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How to Learn Digital Marketing

Due to the current economic conditions, many businesses were forced to move their operations online. This means that lots of small and medium-sized companies need digital marketing help now, and you can be the specialist they are looking for. You will need to learn the craft, of course, but this article will highlight some of the best web resources, which can be accessed for free.

But what is digital marketing in the first place? According to, it's a way to advertise other people's businesses by making use of digital channels such as search engines, mobile apps, email, various social media channels, and more.

With search engine optimization (SEO) you will learn how to promote websites, with the goal of attracting more buyers to your clients' sites. SEO professionals take care of on-page activities, optimizing the website locally, as well as off-page tasks, trying to persuade other webmasters to create links that point to their clients' sites. To get started with SEO, visit the Moz Blog.

Search engine marketing (SEM) uses paid advertising to deliver similar results. However, unlike SEO, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising makes business owners pay anytime they want their sites to be displayed in the search engine results. Since companies bid against each other to be placed at the top of the page, PPC costs can skyrocket quite fast. Still, if you want to generate new leads quickly, search engine marketing may be the answer. Ideally, you should start with SEM and continue with an SEO plan, which may need a few months of work before bringing the expected results. Check out WordStream for more info about search engine marketing.

Companies use social media marketing (SMM) to send good vibes and generate leads by making use of the most popular social platforms: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. Additionally, SMM gives businesses a cost-effective way of getting in touch with their customers, increasing brand awareness, improving customer satisfaction, brand loyalty, and so on. To learn SMM, visit Social Media Examiner.

Content Marketing focuses on creating high-quality content, which has the power to attract more website visitors, making them purchase the company's products and services. Nevertheless, this isn't the "buy my stuff" type of content; it needs to build trust, demonstrating that the company is an authoritative voice in its field. To get started with content marketing, explore the Content Marketing Institute.

Email marketing uses electronic mail to send messages that entice past, current, or potential customers to buy. Companies use email marketing to connect with people, offering them discounts, announcing new products, or simply providing them with useful information. This digital marketing method is inexpensive and provides a great return on investment (ROI). If you want to learn email marketing, go to Email Monday.

Video marketing makes use of short videos that promote companies and/or their products. Since people watch videos in increasing numbers, this marketing strategy is essential. The good news is that modern cell phones include powerful cameras, allowing us to shoot high-quality video without needing to purchase expensive equipment. To get started with video marketing, check out Entrepreneur's Video Marketing section.

These are the most important digital marketing channels. As you can see, there are lots of them, but this doesn't mean that you will need to learn them all before being able to offer your services to others. Many people will only learn SEO, and then they can find many well-paid, full-time jobs and/or gigs, for example.